Blog Posts
Suffering, do we have a problem?
Simple, if the way you view the world can't even give you a valid reason for what it is you see when you look at the world, then it's time to give it up. Christians look at our current circumstances and recognize that this is the way the world is today, but it's not the way the world has always been, nor the way it will always be.
In conclusion, remember that what we fear will always point us to what we worship! Let us walk with the fear of the Lord before us. Let us grow in our love for Him and our neighbor. We can and should have the other conversations as well, but we should never allow fear to be what motivates us...
Don't Let Your Emotions Rule!
There are two kingdoms in this world, the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of this world. Within this world, we should expect differences in language when it comes to interactions with those of "this world" but we should not have as much difficulty when doing so with those who belong to the Kingdom of God.
Some Will Walk Away!
Let your eyes remain fixed on Jesus, and expect a difficult life, while being thankful for every moment that isn’t difficult and praising God in both! In the meantime, do not be surprised by those who walk away, and do not think that your pastor isn't doing a good job of being culturally relevant if they are walking away.
Build on the Rock!
I mean who doesn't want great coffee and music to start off a Sunday morning? But when these things are built upon a foundation of sand, it is only a matter of time till the rains and floods come and the houses themselves fall. With all the focus going into the aesthetics, what lacks is always that which is the most important, the foundation.
Legalism in Disguise!
Here's what we need to understand, legalism isn't limited to the guys in suits getting angry because some guy wants to preach in jeans, it actually cuts both ways! Where the Spirit of God is, there is freedom, or at least there is supposed to be. But so many of us are busy trying to create churches that make us feel comfortable and that won't offend that we have lost sight of the very freedom we have in Christ.
Pastor, Why Are You Leaving?
Our ministry is not about our position, but is all about making much of God and leading the people He's given us to shepherd. We are not CEOs looking for the next big corporation to take to the next level, or Marines looking for the next promotion!
Jesus Is Not Me, Or You!
Let us think through our theology clearly, God is always God and in Jesus He has been made flesh but He is still God. His sinlessness is not a strike against Him but rather it is part of what makes Him, Him, so stop trying to make Him, you.
I Can't Forgive Myself?
As for what you and I need to feel better about it... well, what we need, is to believe Him and take Him at His word. The next time you're tempted to say, I can't forgive myself, I want you to remember the cross, remember why Christ died and ask yourself, "wasn't His death payment enough?" then confess, repent, and rejoice... For there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus!
Year in Review
I had some ideas of where I wanted to go at the start of 2019, and looking back now I can say that I am grateful that "The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps" Proverbs 16:9.
Can't Take the Good, Without the Bad
That Jesus loves me and wants me to have a better life sure sounds like good news, it probably sounds like good news to you too! The truth is, it may sound like good news, but that doesn't make it the Gospel, The Good News!
No Heroes... Please!
Time and time again we shoot ourselves in the foot, and rather than learn from our mistakes we continue playing with the safety off! Human beings, all of us, even the most noble, are, at best, still human beings, sinful, fallen human beings, capable of both good and bad in a worldly sense.
You Can't Have it Your Way!
Relativism is a philosophy that says knowledge, truth and even morality exist only in relation to society and culture and that there are no absolutes or objective basis from which to determine them.
A God In Our Image
A god who obviously has not been made known through scripture, but rather has been made known to us through our own feelings and what we have determined is acceptable. The only problem is that this god, is really no god at all and yet this is the god many within Christian circles believe in. One that says nothing offensive and supports whatever your evil heart desires.
Pastors, Feed His Sheep!
More and more, churches are departing orthodoxy in lieu of customer-centric pragmatism. Whatever works to get people in the door and keep them in their seats. The result is that more thought goes into things like the decor, the music, the lights, the kids programs, the type of coffee that is served, and the type of t-shirts or nametags all the volunteers will wear, than given to what is being preached from the pulpit.
A Matter of Theology!
Recently I was teaching a bible class at a local bible college and the discussion somehow turned to, how we can know anything at all and how we can ever understand anything? This is the philosophical category known as epistemology, and it really is important for all people to wrestle with it.
The Difference a Year Can Make!
This last year for us as a family has been quite the test. In some ways, I've learned through experience what David was writing about thousands of years ago, when it comes to the security of those who trust in Him.