The Gates of Hell

During my time serving in Iraq, I learned quickly the frustrations of an offensive force attempting to play defense. What I mean by that is simple, we were in enemy territory, yet had extremely strict rules of engagement. So much so that you felt like bait at times, just waiting for someone to do something to you so that you can retaliate. The problem was, you can't go into enemy territory and play defense, that's a plan doomed to fail. That's their territory and they know it better than you and are in a much better position to pick you apart while you sit and wait for them to come to you. 

  Enough though about secular wars, did you know we are currently in a spiritual war? The bible is clear that we are in the midst of a war against spiritual forces, but this war is very much impacting our physical space. Unfortunately, most of us have been attempting to fight this war from a defensive position. Waiting for the enemy to attack, obeying its rules of engagement and allowing ourselves to be manipulated by the enemy’s ideologies. However, this was never the intent of our King, Jesus. Jesus was the greatest of all Generals, and He was never on the defense, but instead was constantly on the attack against the enemy taking the fight to Him. 

  It begins by Jesus invading earth, putting on flesh and becoming fully man. In so doing Jesus is going directly into enemy territory. Then in His ministry we see that He is the one to go to the people, proclaiming truth and calling them to repentance. With each encounter He is the one in control, and His enemies are doing all they can to defend themselves however unsuccessful! Then when they think He is down and out for the count, He is raised up, sending out an entire army, while going to be with the Father proclaiming victory until His return while His enemies are being made a footstool. His entire mission was an orchestrated attack against the forces of darkness. One that has resulted in ultimate victory for Himself and those who repent and trust in Him.

  One statement in scripture that clearly points to this offensive posture is found in Jesus words to Peter and the disciples in Matthew's Gospel. Jesus tells the disciples, "on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail..." Think about this, what is a gate? Is that an offensive or defensive measure? Clearly defensive, correct? Meant to protect what's on the other side, and if these gates are not to prevail, what does that mean is going on? Shouldn't that then imply that one is attacking the gates and attempting to topple them? I think the answer to this is clearly yes. We were to continue in our Saviors footsteps, taking the fight to the enemy, not sitting and waiting for him to come to us.

  Then consider 2 Corinthians 10, where Paul says we are not "waging war according to the flesh..." Here, we are not being told we are not waging war, but rather that we are waging war, but that it isn't a carnal one, it isn't a war that can be fought with earthly weapons. Rather it is one fought against ideas with much more powerful weapons, divine weapons that destroy the enemy’s arguments and opinions raised against the knowledge of God, taking them captive to obey Christ. So, this spiritual warfare must be fought in the public square, for it is the public square where these opinions and ideas are most prevalent. Though we fight it with what exactly?

  To answer this let’s, jump to Ephesians 6, and specifically ask the question what is our weapon? Is it not the Sword of the Spirit? Yes, our shoes are the gospel of peace, but our weapon is His Word, the Word. We attack the enemy with the Word, was that not Jesus example also? When the tempter came to Him in the wilderness, how was it that Jesus fought Him?  "It is written..." Yet, what do we today? 

  Here's what I've noticed, many Christians have taken a defensive position behind enemy lines. We keep the Word of God at home and in church, and then when we are attacked, we respond with the weapons the enemy gives us and wonder... "What is happening in the world? Why do things look so bad? Why are people completely abandoning reason and looking to turn the world upside down?" Here's why, because most of us have decided it's much more comfortable not to wage war and have chosen instead to just try to hold on to what we have. Well, yeah, how did that work out in Iraq and Afghanistan? 

Brothers and sisters enough is enough! Our King has already won the war, but we were not given permission to rest and try to just hold on to what we have. Our part now is waging war against those who continue to be His enemy. We go out into enemy territory proclaiming His victory and destroying the remainder of His enemies by the proclamation of His Word while calling all of those who would repent to join the fight. Why does it feel like we are losing? Because we have been disobedient to our Lord and how it is, He has told us to fight.  There's much more that can be said on this topic, and I have a feeling this will be much of what my writing will be on in 2021. But for now, take the fight to the gates, wage war and take no prisoners, it's either surrender to the King through repentance and faith, or they will face Him in the final judgment knowing they had every opportunity to trust in Him. Go with God Christian.


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