You’re Not Crazy!

What is happening in our culture today? What is happening in our nation? It seems people have lost their ever-loving minds and abandoned common sense. That which was considered unacceptable only a decade or so ago has become normal, and that which was unthinkable has now become the focus of articles and even websites seeking to bring it into popular culture. With things going the way they are a person not going with the flow is likely to start questioning their own sanity. It is evil to kill babies, right? Man and Woman are the only two genders, right? One was obviously made for the other, right? Sin is still sin, and one can't be held accountable for an action they didn't commit, right? Let me help you, the answer to all these questions is emphatically, yes!

  No matter how much I dwell on these, and other questions like them, I am left with no other option. So, am I crazy? Are you crazy? Well, to the world, yes, we are. God has chosen the foolish things of this world to shame the wise, so don't be dismayed Christian. That we can look at these things as foolish and so contrary to Gods created order, means we are in good company. I hope if you consider yourself a Christian you do see them that way, and if you don't, then that's another conversation.  

  It is only the fool that can think it is ever o.k. to kill a baby, only a fool can think there are more than two genders, only the fool says "I know you didn't actually enslave me, but you must still give an account for it". The fool does so, precisely because he or she is a fool, which simply means; they have denied in their heart that there is a God. This in itself is the problem of the world, the culture, and specifically our nation today. The madness we see is the direct result of foolishness. The direct result of denying the God they know exists. This may be at different levels, it is often very inconsistent, but it is still the same source. 

  When one abandons the source of all Truth, and the grounding for rationality and reason, one is left with their own wicked hearts to lead and try to make sense of the world. In Romans chapter 1, we see the result of suppressing truth. God is not honored as people become futile, that means impractical, worthless, vain, in their thinking. All of it leading to the worship of the creation and self in place of the worship of the creator. 

  Sometimes the foolishness invades the church, that's what we see in a lot of the woke culture today. When this happens it can be all the more tempting to question, who is it that's going crazy? But our standard must remain the same. What does Gods word say? What does it say about justice, about partiality, about salvation and sin? When any person, regardless of whether or not they claim to be a Christian, comes into direct conflict with the word of God on any subject, at that point they have become a fool. A denial of God’s word is a denial of His authority and rule, it was after all this very sin that brought about our current condition. 

  The thing is, there isn't a one of us who aren't still denying God somewhere. We should all be pleading to God along with the father of the young boy in Mark chapter 9, Lord I believe, but help my unbelief. So here we are, in a world of fools, a nation governed by fools, churches often filled with fools, and at times find ourselves guilty of being the fool. But God can save fools, He has saved this fool. No matter how mad the world looks, or how crazy people seem, we are to be encouraged recognizing that it is all foolishness. 

The answer to all of it remains the same, repent and believe the gospel. It's the same to the person in the pews trying to substitute manmade justice for Gods, and the politician who is calling baby killing a choice, to both; repent and believe the gospel. One heart may be slightly darker than others, but all are in need of Gods transforming Truth. In Romans 1, Paul says he is anxious to preach the gospel to the church, so this shouldn't be a surprise that the answer is the same to those in and outside the church. To a nation of fools, the gospel remains our only hope. Christian, no, you're not crazy, but you are surrounded by fools. That only means the ground is fertile for us to go forth and preach the gospel!


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