Where’s The Disinformation Really?

As I am writing this, it's been a few days since an angry and violent mob stormed the US Capital building. Because we are living in such chaotic times, where people are afraid to speak the truth, and often leave us guessing on where they stand on issues, let me be clear. I voted for Trump, and I still believe that he at least did better in the election than the results we were shown. Whether he won or not, I don't know. He was the clear choice for those who love freedom and hate tyranny. If you didn't vote for him, I don't think less of you, but I do think that perhaps, you allowed the world around you to do your thinking for you. 

  As for what took place this week at the Capital, I do believe that was wrong and not the way to go about bringing change. I have no issue condemning what's wrong, because my standard is fixed. I condemned the rioting and looting this summer by BLM and Antifa and this too was in a similar category. While I condemn what took place, I was still not surprised by it. Let's face it, you reap what you sow. When we have the MSM (mainstream media) and mostly democrat politicians telling us that, rioting and looting is actually mostly peaceful protesting. When they tell us that the burning down of businesses, the killing of people trying to defend their city, and the taking over of entire districts in metropolitan cities, is all just the simple outcries of an outraged people. Well... don't be surprised when you get more outcries of outraged people! 

  That all being said, what began to take place in the days following is something that I never thought I’d see here in the land of the free and home of the brave! We've seen social media silence the sitting President of the United States, the shutting down of several right wing and conservative media channels, and the continued pushing of a narrative that is an absolute lie pulled out from the pit of hell. What took place on the 6th of January was wrong, period, full-stop. My only questions are, do you believe the same of the events from this summer? Where was the outrage then? There is no way you can tell me this was anything like what took place this last year in our cities. We are in the midst of a complete shutdown of free speech, over what actually was, a mostly peaceful protest! Mostly peaceful because there was about a million people that were marching in DC, and yet, only a handful actually broke into the capital building.

  Now here we are, days later, the persecution of those who dare have different ideas continues. Accounts are being closed, even server services are being denied, all in the name of protecting the people. However; if we are honest this has nothing to do with protection, and everything to do with control. Being that I have a very optimistic eschatology, I believe that years from now people of the world will look at the United States or, what was the United States and laugh... Can you believe how stupid they were? Can you believe how deceived they were? Can you believe... how quickly, they became so wicked and evil? they will all say. Why do I think this? It's simple really, because those who have labeled conservatives as guilty of peddling "disinformation" have caused an entire culture to live according to their "disinformation".

  You see, it's the same group of evil and wicked men and women, mostly of a left and democrat leaning slant, though honestly when you pay attention it's people on all sides pushing garbage like, "its o.k. to murder your babies!" or how about "men can really be women and women can be men, but no white people can't be black and black people can't be white". They will tell you it's inciting violence to say "peacefully protest and make your voices heard" while at the same time allowing for "hang Pence", and "burn the M.....F...'er down" to trend and remain untouched on their platforms. 

  It's this same group of evil and wicked people who have gotten an entire society to forget about the evil of true racism, by simply pointing to everything and calling it racism. By injecting it into every area of life, they have made it virtually meaningless, and made it so that real racists, are now viewed as heroes and those who dare speak of being treated according to the content of our character instead of the color of our skin, are now called the real racists. How dare you not notice that I am actually darker than you? How dare you say that you don't see race or color? That in itself proves you are a racist! Sound stupid? it should, but it is what's happening right now in our nation. White privilege is something you are guilty of by merely being born with a low melanin count, and you will need to be repenting of it for the rest of your life! 

  The way in which "disinformation" has been used in the United States will forever be an example to the world. Showing exactly what happens when a mostly intelligent people, attempt to play god. The good news is that this will all self-destruct! It's actually already starting to happen and I'm very hopeful for the wicked example we are going to become to the world. As we go from being the richest and most powerful nation in the world, to the most ridiculous and pitiful nation in the world, God will be glorified and people will repent and trust in the Son. A couple of nights ago I had a talk with my children about what happens if or when daddy goes to jail... Keep preaching the gospel and hopefully you'll end up in a cell next to mine! 

  So, how has this happened? It's actually simple, when people have lost their grounding in Gods truth, they can believe anything. Our founders were very clear, our constitution was meant for a religious and moral people. By that, they meant people rooted in the word of God, sure maybe they didn't all have the same foundational belief in God but they for sure, knew that His Word was the standard. They foresaw, that the minute we lose that foundation, we would be doomed. We have abandoned that foundation, to the point where we have people praying to the gods of Hinduism right there in the same capital building, to then only go on and close with, "awoman", don't lose sight of the fact that these events were so close to one another. You can't pray to demons and then be surprised when they act! 

  Moving forward, if you are a Christian, it's time to move on and begin to separate from the evils of this world. We have lived for too long in this world, as the world. We thought, if we just looked like them, dressed liked them, liked their T.V. shows, listened to their music, and did what they do on social media, that we would... uh... somehow...  save ... souls? sounds so foolish now, doesn't it? But yes, we did, and instead, the world discipled us. I've seen so many so-called Christian leaders reveal their hypocrisy this year, it's a wonder this nation wasn't destroyed much sooner. We must seek to stop spending our money on their culture! Let's face it, we have already lost this culture, and they've taken it with our money! 

  I know, this is going to be hard, my family and I are taking it one day at a time, looking to close accounts, use others until we get kicked off (facebook), and so on. But we have come to the conclusion this is one step of many that just has to be taken. In addition, we must make sure we stay in communication, I don't know where you are reading this or where you found this link but send your email address to truthnlife.net@gmail.com and please share our channel and website to continue to get truth out there. Subscribe to all your Christian and conservative sites and email lists, if they have e-mail lists, because they will be coming for those too! Look to do all your shopping with companies that support freedom of speech, and preferably ran by brothers and sisters who are trustworthy and co-laborers in Christ. These are just some things we can begin doing immediately.

  But, most importantly, let's laugh, let's praise God together, let's worship Him and encourage one another, because all of this is to only serve His purpose. The nations may rage, but God sits in the heavens and laughs. So, continue to seek to glorify God and make Him known as we are conformed to His image! Remember that the end to this story hasn't changed, one day every knee will bow, and tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord. 




The Collapse of Manhood


The Gates of Hell