Why I am Humble and How I know It!
O.k. so the truth is, I'm not that humble, in case the title of this didn't already give that away... But hopefully it grabbed your attention! Humility is one of the greatest lessons we can learn as image bearers of God, and as Christians it is one, we will continue learning unto eternity. We will all be humbled eventually, but let's face it, none of us like it. The reason for this is simple, we often think much more of ourselves than we ought. When faced with reality, that we aren't all that and that others are often more talented, smarter, stronger, faster, whatever it is, we end up responding in anger and denial. That old friend pride kicks in and often takes over. But as Christians, this is no longer an option for us. Scripture is clear, God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble, and so pride has to go, and brutal humility must take over.
What does it mean to be humble? When we look to scripture, we have the greatest example of humility given to us in Jesus Christ. He who gave Himself for us, who did not consider equality with God a thing to be grasped but emptied Himself, by taking the form of a servant. From Christs example, there are quite a few takeaways, but I want to discuss two that are currently sanctifying me. The first is this, humility is being outward focused, not inward focused. Why does pride rise up when we see someone is doing better than we are, or when we receive a criticism we don't like? Because we are focused internally and not externally, we are only concerned with how we are being made to feel and not seeking to put another first!
Consider the life of Jesus, God in flesh, mocked, beaten, humiliated, and yet always focused on what He came to do... seek and save the lost! His focus is and was always, the sheep. That cost Him more than you and I will ever fully comprehend. But how about us, is that where it starts? By focusing outwardly on other people. I've heard many talks on this subject, and I say talks because I can't call them sermons, that point us exactly here, to focus on putting others first. However, this is where we usually start going wrong. We look at Christ's example and think I'm going to do what He does. The problem is we can't do what He did, that's why He had to die! You and I don't know how to put others first, so Jesus did it for us.
So, what does it mean to be outward focused? Well, let me reframe the question, who's glory do we live for? Is it not the glory of God? Living outward focused starts with living for the glory of God. You and I have now been set free to live for the glory of God. He is our outward focus, and because He is our focus, we will now lay down our pride, we will now turn the other cheek, we will now receive criticism with a desire for truth and of course Gods glory. This outward focus is not on other selfish and prideful human beings, but rather it is toward God, our creator and savior, we do for others because He did for us and our actions now point others to Him.
But secondly, humility is an emptying of oneself, a laying down of our own desires and a submission to Gods perfect will and desires. In Jesus life, this looks like the God of the universe laying aside His rights, not desires. However; in our lives, this requires the servant to acknowledge our own servanthood! You and I are not God, we have no real power to lay down, we have no real authority to put aside. No, we are creatures, made in the image of God, who only have that which is given. Yet, we often act like we own the world, and have expectations for those around us to acknowledge our lordship, not Gods.
Humility though says, I am not Lord, God is, I have nothing which does not first belong to Him. That which I desire comes from a deceitful and wicked heart, and I submit to that which my Lord gives me, whatever that may be. So, whether that be ridicule, or praise, fortune or poverty, none of it is deserved, and even the very breath in my lungs is but a gift. He is God and I am His and His will, must become my only desire. This is not a natural way of thinking. When is the last time you had someone call you out on something, and your only thought was, "this is for my good, and Gods glory!". I'll tell you when, never! But, nevertheless, this is the goal, this is the life we are called to and we must pursue.
So here they are, my two sanctifying takeaways, humility is being outward focused, and for us that means focused on Gods glory not ours. Humility is laying down my desires for Gods will, and that means with a Sovereign God, His will is what happens and all of it is for my good! These two truths in and of themselves have been humbling as I currently wrestle through a confusing season. Reminding myself that life is to be lived for His glory, and submitted to His plan. There is more to humility, but definitely not less, we can look at the service aspect of it also, but without these foundations there can be no service that isn't self-serving and therefore lacking humility! I hope that these help your sanctification as they are mine, God bless.