Week 33
The Lords Day, week 33!
Thoughts on 1 Timothy 1-3:
· 1 Tim. 1:15 "The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost." Here is the one thing we bring to the table when it comes to our salvation, sin. That's it, this is what we contribute, and it's what makes the Gospel foolishness to those who are perishing. Are we prepared to tell the world, Jesus came to rescue sinners, and I am the worst sinner I know? I personally have a much easier time looking at other people’s sin, whether it’s my wife's, my kids, those on TV and man there is just no shortage of blatant and public sin on TV to look at and point at and feel better about myself. Seriously, if you want to feel like you are a pretty good person, just turn it on, scroll through social media, or check out your local news, everywhere you look you'll see it. Quickly I hear the voice in my head, you see Ryan, you aren't that bad, you see how wicked this person is, look at what they are promoting, look at how they have called that which is evil, good and on my flesh will go. But, no matter how much I look around and point, the truth is, I know what it is that lurks in my own heart much more than I know what's going on in anyone else's. Here's an excerpt from a poem I wrote years ago called "Unconditionally", where I was contemplating such a thing:
"I know the truth that lies inside my heart, And perhaps what scares me is I know just how dark. Unconditionally just makes no sense, If he only knew the darkness concealed inside my beating chest. But who am I really trying to deceive. Of course He knows, He is the one that created me. The thoughts that cross my mind can sometimes make me sick, so to think about his love without condition feels like I'm pushing it"
· I still believe that we rather look at someone else's sin because it's so much easier than looking at our own. But it's my sin, your sin, that we bring to the table, and we must not avoid it, we must not try to explain it away, we must not look to justify it in the light of even what the world considers is the greatest evil. If we are to come to God on His terms, then we must come to Him recognizing that my sin is the greatest evil I know. I know Jesus is my only hope because I know my own condition and just how hopeless I am without him. Paul's words here, as much as he wrote about himself, are for us to read and wrestle with whether or not we see ourselves as the chief of sinners, the foremost of sinners? Because if not, if we are still looking around at others to help us feel better about our own sin, if we are still looking around at others to help us feel justified, then we've stopped looking at Christ who is the only one who justifies. In chapter 2 we are reminded of the fact that there is only one mediator, no other, Jesus alone stands in that gap, and to Him alone should we compare ourselves to see how far short we fall, and to see how great of a gap He stand in for us. Let's pray today that the Lord would give us eyes to see our sin for what it is and let us praise God that it is exactly because of that sin, it is for that sin, that Jesus died. It's all we bring to the table...
Monday, week 33!
Thoughts on Numbers 1-4:
· I often think about how small my family and I are, and then I think about how big the world is and how much work there is to be done. It can be overwhelming in these seasons and I can be tempted to think, Lord, why bother? What can I do? What can you do through me, I’m just one man, we are but one family? But then I recognize that Gods plan of redemption all started with one man, with one family. As I read through these chapters today, with each number, I thought, wow, every one of them is a descendant of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Think about that, now numbering in the hundreds of thousands, the people of Israel descended from one family, and are now becoming a mighty nation to be used for Gods glory in bringing about redemption for a people of every tribe, nation and tongue. We can't allow ourselves to be overwhelmed by the big picture, because no matter how big and bad it looks, God is bigger and is at work in the world through millions of His people. Instead, we should be more concerned with our family, with faithfulness where we are right now, not ignoring the world out there, but instead trusting Gods work in the world out there. We must disciple our families, preach the gospel to those around us, disciple those around us, contribute to our local church, and be salt and light in our community. There are more Christians today, than there were Israelites then, and yet look at what God does with them as a nation, just imagine if we all focused on our part, how much God could do through His church! Jesus is building His church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it, so let us, you and I do our part by trusting Him in all of it. Whether it's just you, or if you have a family of 10, disciple, be discipled, and trust in Gods faithfulness. As He was able to do through one man, He is still able to do today and even more, and we know He will!
Tuesday, Week 33!
Thoughts on 1 Chronicles 5-9:
Wednesday, week 33!
Thoughts on Psalms 96-98:
· All of creation was made for worship and for image bearers of God, part of our worship includes the lifting of our voices in song about the glory, majesty, power, mercy, grace, holiness, justice of our God! As I read these psalms this morning it struck me that the singing is not meant to be restricted to our homes, or even our worship services, it is supposed to be a public rejoicing. "Say among the nations, "the Lord reigns!" Yes, the world is established; it shall never be moved; he will judge the peoples with equity." Psalm 96:10 This past year we've been restricted in our worshipping God the way He has commanded us. Regardless of how you feel about the virus, or the government's role in all of this, what scripture makes clear is that our worship of God is meant to say something to those who have yet to repent and trust in Christ. We worship a God who reigns over all the earth, who is Lord of all the earth, and one way in which we proclaim that to the world is through corporate worship. Yes we still evangelize, we must go out and make disciples, but we must also come together, not just in our buildings, or homes, but in every setting to worship God that the world would know that He is coming to judge the earth, and apart from repentance and trust in Christ we are all in big trouble. But through Christ, in Christ, we can rejoice over His judgement, we can welcome His judgement, we can be encouraged over His coming. At home one of the songs we teach our kids to sing, that every Christian should know and used to be a normal part of worship, is the doxology, "Praise God from whom all blessings flow, praise Him all creatures here below, praise Him above ye heavenly hosts, Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost" It's simple, we sing it before bed, sometimes at the dinner table. The point of it is not that we love to sing, or love music, but we love God, and were made to worship and sing of His goodness and glory. It takes all of 30 seconds, but in that 30 seconds we are singing to the Lord a song reminding us of all who He is, and what He has done. The next step, is going out into the public, singing it at the restaurant, the park, it just dawned on me that some states have told us we must worship outside, not that the state has the right to tell us where to worship, but, for some Pastors this could be a time to make the state regret its decision by worshipping outside, all day, and night for all to hear! Perhaps next time one goes to serve at the local abortion mill, singing could be incorporated? It is a desire of mine, to take my guitar, sing hymns, psalms, and new songs, read scripture, and share the gospel out in the open air, now that I'm by the Jersey shore, perhaps that's the goal for next year??? (who's in? lol) The lost need to hear our worship and driven to worship themselves because all of us were made to worship the one true God.
Thursday, week 33!
Thoughts on Proverbs 17 & 18:
· Proverbs 17:10 "A rebuke goes deeper into a man of understanding than a hundred blows into a fool." No one I know of enjoys being rebuked, but I can definitely think of moments where I wish someone would have rebuked me and moments where they did and I grew to appreciate them for it. There is a humility that comes with faith in Christ, or at least it is supposed to. As Christians we believe that there is no good in us, and left to ourselves we remain in darkness, enslaved to sin, and unable to please a Holy and righteous God who created us for Himself. This is the starting point for us, and so when an individual, approaches us with a word of rebuke and hopefully correction, it should not be of much surprise. We must be a people of understanding, who receive the rebuke with humility recognizing that whatever wickedness our friend is pointing out to us, is probably insignificant compared to the amount of sin we have already been forgiven. Recently someone shared with me that they were cut to the heart when an unbeliever rebuked their behavior... the cutting wasn't in the rebuke, because it was instantly that they realized the rebuke was warranted, but rather it was in who was sharing it. But the Lord can do that, and often will, it's not always the wise pastor, or battle hard Christian, but perhaps a person we ourselves have discipled, or even an unbeliever, it matters not who does the rebuking, but whether or not it is allowed to cut deep, and conform us further into the image of Christ.
· There are two verses this week that also really speak to our culture, chapter 17 verse 15 and chapter 18 verse 5. Both address justice, notice that the one who justifies the wicked and condemns the righteous is an "abomination" to the Lord. This word is important, and not to be taken lightly. This is right in line with calling that which is evil good and that which is good evil, God hates those who do such things. So when we look at a culture within our country that is promoting that which is wicked, claiming pride as a good thing, claiming homosexuality as a good thing, abortion as a good thing, theft (socialism) as a good thing, encourages covetousness by telling people they have a right to other people’s money, and this list can go on and on. How can such a country and culture, go on and expect the God who calls such a person an abomination, to then bless a nation full of people acting this way? The answer is, because they are fools, and no matter how much they try, until there is repentance, we are an abomination to Him. Hear me, God hates the current United States. It doesn't meant that God hates those who have repented and trusted in His Son and live in the United States, there were faithful people in Israel when God brought judgment to them, but we cannot allow ourselves to be deceived. We should instead be driven to grieve the state of our nation. We have leaders that repeatedly call to justify the wicked and now seeks to punish the righteous by refusing to allow worship, and even impede the preaching of the gospel in public spaces. We can still love our nation and what it is supposed to stand for. But we do so from a position of mourning what it has become, and abomination to the Lord. In the other verse, we see that partiality, has to do with equal treatment, don't show favoritism to the wicked, and this means, it doesn't matter if the wicked person is black, white, brown, rich or poor, you cannot be partial to them. Wickedness deserves punishment, it's that simple. On the other side of that, do not deprive the righteous of justice, the righteous are those who know God, who trust in the Son, but we can draw this out a bit more and say simply, that when a person does that which is right, they must not be denied justice, again, it doesn't matter if they are white, black, Jew, Gentile, male or female, all can become righteous through Christ, or all can at times to that which is right, and should be treated on the basis of their actions... So, according to Proverbs, the wisdom of God, we are to treat people on the basis of their actions, the wicked get punished, the righteous see justice... Period!
Friday, week 33!
Thoughts on Daniel 7-12:
· First a warning on trying to understand these chapters, if you don't know ancient history well, then do not try to make sense of these by reading them into today's context!!! We are so prone to prideful arrogance that we want to assume the time we live in is the most important time and everything then we read in the bible that has some sort of mystery to it, and is prophetic, we look to see how it fits today. That is a fool’s errand, don't do it, pick up some good commentaries, and some good books on ancient history if you really want to try to understand Daniel's visions. That being said, here's where I want to sit, Daniel 7:13 & 14. To Him, Jesus was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all peoples, nations and languages should serve Him... When Jesus began His ministry on earth He began with the words, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!" He was announcing the start of His reign here on earth, reclaiming what was rightfully His, in death and resurrection He claims victory, and in His ascension He goes to be seated at the right hand of the Father, while all His enemies are made a footstool. This is such good news for us now, Daniel was told that all people and nations, and languages should serve Him and that His kingdom was one that would not pass away, so the question is do you believe you are a part of His kingdom today, or are you still waiting for Jesus to do something else to be victorious? It is my belief that we are living in His kingdom today, and that Jesus rules and reigns today, and that though the world is still at war with Him, they are truly the walking dead and their only hope is to be given life through the power of the gospel. We are here to proclaim that gospel to the walking dead, to point them to true life and show them that resistance is futile. Every knee shall bow, and tongue confess that Jesus is Lord, EVERY! The only question is will you do so as one who stands condemned, or one who stands victorious in Christ as a citizen of His kingdom. The world around us is nothing more than a spoiled child refusing to take his nap because at 2 years old he thinks he knows better than his mother and father. They don't, and eventually even the most energetic child will pass out and go to sleep. Jesus rules and reigns today, and His kingdom shall not be destroyed! Praise God for this, and live like it's true... because it is!
Saturday, week 33!
Thoughts on John 5 & 6:
· John 6:66 "after this many of His disciples turned back and no longer walked with Him." There is this idea in the church that if we just do things a certain way, people will want to come and want to be around, and yet, when Jesus spoke truth and did things the right way, people turned back and no longer walked with Him... What were these specific teachings that caused many to walk away? In order to understand that, we'd have to look at chapter 6, starting in verse 22, where Jesus begins teaching in the synagogue. Here's a summary for us, Jesus is the only one through whom eternal life is possible, and only those whom the Father has given to Him will inherit eternal life. Man is completely impotent in attaining eternal life in and of himself, not even being born a Jew gets you there. Only those whom the Father gives to the Son will the Son succeed in raising up on the last day to eternal life, all others will be raised up to judgement. He is the bread of life, and without partaking of Him, there is no life to be had. In verse 65 Jesus sums it up Himself this way, "This is why I told you that no one CAN come to me unless it is GRANTED by the Father." It's upon hearing all of this, that they walk away... There is no doctrine that challenges human beings more than that of the doctrine of Election. It challenged the Jews in the 1st Century listening to the Jesus Himself preaching in the temple, and it continues to challenge us today, so much so that many will do their best to jump through hoops in order to avoid it. Here's why... PRIDE. We don't want to be told we are impotent, we don't want to be told we can't save ourselves, we don't want to be told that it's not up to us, that we are so wicked and evil that our hearts are complete stone and apart from God changing our hearts we are destined for destruction. Desperately we want to claim some part in our salvation, we want to believe we did something because if it really is all of God, then I have no control, I get no say, and you know... I HAVE TO GET A SAY!!!! But... we don't! God is God, I am but His mere creation, and God can chose to set this vessel aside as one fit for destruction or as one fit for good use, the decision is made by the potter, not the clay. So, how do you know which one you are? Simple, don't walk away, then you'll know you are one made for good use, you will know that you were given by the Father to the Son. Like Peter, let your response be, but where will I go? Jesus alone has the words of eternal life!