Week 3

The Lords Day, Week 3!

Thoughts on Romans 5&6:

·       Justification by faith alone, it's this doctrine that sets Christianity apart from every other religion, and it's this doctrine that set us apart from the Catholic Church in the 16th Century. There is only one way to be made right with God, and that's through His Son!

·       Romans 6 - Where do we get this doctrine, besides the fact that it's taught throughout the scriptures, Paul right here names it in verse 1! Consider what it means, to be declared to be in right standing before God, you've done no wrong. Only, we have done wrong, it's while we were guilty sinners that He died, and while we were enemies of God. But through faith in Jesus we are brought into right standing and completely reconciled, the relationship is healed and no longer are we seen as guilty. 

·       Why is Adam and Eve so important? Here it is, if we don't have an actual Adam who was the first man and who's sin caused the whole world to fall, then the death of Christ makes no sense. Through one man all sinned, through one man, the God-man, many are saved. We must take Genesis as history. 

·       Romans 6 - When I was a young Christian, I was being discipled by a pastor, I owe this man a lot. But I was still struggling with certain sins in my life, some of which, as he put it, I'll struggle with till I die... But He sat me down and told me, "you need to memorize all of Romans 6!" I never got passed verse 4, but man did it have an effect on me. Till this day when temptation is strong all I hear in my head is, "are we to continue in sin that grace may abound? Certainly NOT!!! How can we who died to sin still live in it." Are you struggling with sin? Memorize Romans 6 and watch how the word of God renews your mind!

Today is the Lord's day, I hope you all have somewhere to worship today but I also want to encourage you that it's His Day, not hour or morning! So please try to remember that as you go throughout the day. Be with the people of God, discuss the things of God, spend time in the word of God and do it all for the glory of God! God bless!

Monday, Week 3!  (jan 20)

Thoughts on Genesis 8-11:

·       Genesis 8 - The flood waters recede and God makes His promise never to curse the earth again because of man. Notice that in verse 21, God specifically states that the intention of man's heart is evil from youth. This remains true, there is no change in man, but God says He will not act in this way again. This is an act of mercy on Gods part, He would be justified to act in this way again, but He has chosen not to.

·       Chapter 9 - "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth" God reiterates His original command to mankind. They are to spread out across the world and fill the world with the image of God. Though man is now sinful and fallen, we still carry His image. When we live according to Gods design we glorify Him in the world. Also we see already here that God gives every living thing for food. This will change with the Israelites, but it shows clearly that the reason for change has nothing to do with the food itself. When God gives His dietary laws it's for the purpose of setting Israel apart from the rest of the world. Also the law of life for life is established here. This is one reason why I do believe the death penalty is appropriate. This is prior mosaic law, and God declares if a purpose takes a human life, his life is to be taken. 

·       Chapter 10 - at first look it seems that mankind has carried out Gods command, we also see that from the sons of Noah come all the nations of Canaan, and eventually the Israelites and that from this time the curse for the two to remain enemies is established. 

·       Chapter 11 - Here's how we need to view this in light of chapter 10, in chapter 10 we have the big picture, the nations are spread out, different languages across all the earth. But then in 11 we learn that the nations did not spread out through obedience to Gods command. Rather they disobeyed Gods command, and the new languages were a punishment which forced them to then spread out and establish separate nations. Consider this, we have different ethnicities today because of the wickedness of our own heart. God created the distinctions, and now we fight even over those distinctions. Racism, which is not really a word by the way, only exists because of human pride in characteristics that were given as a punishment for our pride! We were proud when we were one people, and we are proud now about how much melanin we do or don't have... Chapter 8:21, remains true.

May the Lord bless you this day, and may you seek to glorify Him in all you do! God bless!

Tuesday, week 3!

Thoughts on Joshua 11-15:

·       My thoughts here are very few, these chapters are much like reading a history book. I know it's good information and we want to read it and notice the details but still sometimes hard for me to get through. 

·       Chapter 11 - Hamstring the horses... Let's be honest, I read that and I am tempted to ask, was that necessary? But the Lord commanded it and so it must have been. I of course recognize that people are more valuable than horses. I still can't help but consider what was the purpose in that. If anyone has ideas, let me know. As I mentioned before, I'm doing my reading apart from a commentary or study bible, so maybe you have one that gives insight. 

·       Joshua 12 - 31 kings, all ordered killed by the Lord, and executed by Joshua and his army. Sobering thought. 

·       Joshua 13 - Joshua is old... and the Lord reminds him, Joshua, you are old! lol C'mon, that's funny!

·       Joshua 14 and 15 - This is the promise of God coming to fruition. God promised hundreds of years before, that this land would belong to Abram. Now the descendants of Abraham have taken possession of the land and God has remained true to His word! Praise the Lord that He is always faithful. 

Hope you all have a wonderful week. God bless!

Wednesday, week 3!

Thoughts on Psalms 6-8:

·       We have 3 different types of Psalms here, one of lament, an imprecatory Psalm and one of worship and rejoicing. Just goes to show us that there truly is a psalm for every occasion. 

·       Psalm 6 - On Sunday I taught on prayer and spoke of supplication, that's what this is, David crying out for relief. God is the only one who can grant him relief in his current state. In verse 4, David asks, Lord deliver me for the sake of your steadfast love. That even in his crying out, he recognized it's still not about him.

·       Psalm 7 - In verses 3-5 we have concession and repentance, David wants to be sure he isn't guilty. If what is happening to him is because of him than he accepts the punishment. But then he turns it around and prays for judgement on those who seek to hurt him. In verse 12 there is an important caveat to Davids request, if man does not repent, or turn away. David recognizes that even his enemy can turn towards God. But apart from that God will avenge, God will judge.

·       Psalm 8 - O Lord how majestic is your name in all the earth. You have set your glory above the heavens! Just read Psalm 8 over and over again today, it needs no further commentary. How majestic indeed! 

On a side note, another part of my morning reading today was on Psalm 27, and Richard Sibbes, a Puritan pastor made this comment on it, "Holy desires are the birth of God's Holy Spirit and there is not one of them that shall be lost!" The new birth does cause a reordering in our hearts, do we desire holiness? Not are you living a Holy life, because I already know that answer. But do you yearn for it? Does your heart cry out to be separated from sin, to never distracted again from its creator? Does your sin bring distress? Examine yourselves before God. Then seek out those who will seek holiness with you, and who will not treat sin apathetically. God bless.

Thursday, week 3!

Thoughts on Job 5 & 6:

·       Job has had everything taken away from him, he is now sick and his friends have come to his side. I think they do love him and want what's best for him. They just are clueless as to what's really going on. 

·       Job 5 - Eliphaz continues to speak, he pretty much refers to job as a fool and suggests that Jobs condition is Gods correction or punishment for something. But what, no one knows but he does assume Job knows. His advice is to seek God, which is good advice, only given under bad pretenses. 

·       Job 6 - Jobs response is to claim his innocence, and if there's something that he did that it be shown to him. He rather God take his life than continue in his current state. Consider this, Job does not contemplate taking his own life. He knows God is the author of life, and life is all in His hands. His frustration is building up, he's an innocent man suffering. 

Many times as a Pastor I begin to assume things before a conversation is over. The truth is I've heard a lot and most issues do have some kind of sin their root. But I've also learned to continue to ask questions and not offer up my assumptions until I have good cause to. As Christians we should all be seekers of truth, we should be willing to give the benefit of the doubt in brothers and sisters until they show us otherwise. Be weary of your assumptions. I've learned recently again, how dangerous assumptions can be... God bless, have a great day!

Friday, Week 3

Thoughts on Isaiah 12-17:

·       When reading prophecy we must remember that much of what the prophets wrote had more than a single fulfillment. Meaning there was almost always an immediate, or semi-immediate fulfillment. something that the generations during the time of the prophets would life to see fulfilled. Thus the test of a prophet, if the things prophesied weren't fulfilled they knew he was a false prophet and the person could be executed. At the same time there were things that were said that would have another fulfillment outside of their immediate context, beyond all of their lifetimes. Most of that fulfillment was in Christ, and some of it is pointing towards end times judgement. But this is what makes prophecy a bit harder to read. Because every generation wants to read it to find something for them. We can't do that, search for the immediate fulfillment, and search for the fulfillment in Christ, and leave the rest to the Lord. Only the Father knows the end and He hasn't left that clear for us to know!

·       Isaiah 12 - This is a sort of Hymn or Song that celebrates that the Lord is the source of salvation. Salvation has always been of the Lord, and even in Isaiah's time this was to be celebrated. 

·       Isaiah 13 - The nation the Lord uses to judge Israel the Lord will also judge. Their judgement was worse than that of Sodom and Gomorrah. Yes God used Babylon to take Israel into captivity, it was Gods will to punish His people. Yes God Judged the nation He used to punish His people for punishing His people. It can make your head spin, but that we can't fully comprehend His sovereignty with human responsibility doesn't mean it's not so, here it is in His word. 

·       Isaiah 14 - difficult chapter here, there is some mention of Israel being reestablished or restored, and them rejoicing in the destruction of Babylon. But if I remember correctly some also believe that some of this is also about Satan himself. That there is a double fulfillment, specifically starting in verse 4-21... read and tell me if you see it.

·       Isaiah 15-17 - the destruction of Moab for their own pride and wickedness and The destruction of Damascus with also glimpses of Christ, 16:5 "then a throne will be established in steadfast love, and on it will sit faithfulness in the tent of David one who judges and seeks justice and is swift to do righteousness." 

There's a lot in these chapters and we can't understand it all, don't try to right now, perhaps make some notes, come back to it later in the year for deeper study. Maybe pick out a good commentary on Isaiah and do a study through it. The NIV application series is great for this. But meditate on the clear passages. God is great, He is Holy, and He is to be feared as well as worshiped. God bless and have a wonderful day.

Saturday, Week 3!

Thoughts on Matthew 5-7:

·       These 3 chapters together are what most regard as the sermon on the mount. I do not believe it was one sermon, but rather snippets of a series of sermons by Jesus. Either way, Jesus did teach these things. 

·       Matthew 5 - Jesus is expounding on the Law, beginning with the blessed life, to His roll in fulfilling the law and the necessity of the law to remain. Then his explanations on the true meaning of the law, murder is wrong, but anger is also murder, adultery is wrong, but lust is also adultery. All this is to reveal the human heart. One portion that has been on my mind over the last few weeks is 33-36. The implications of let your yes be yes... Consider this in your daily life, and you will not be so quick to speak, at least that's what it's done for me. 

·       Matthew 6 - We have some directions for Holy living, don't give to show your righteousness, don't pray in a way that is more concerned with being seen then the content of your prayers, and don't fast to appear godly. All these things, are to be about God and our focus should be Him. Be not anxious, trust God, don't serve money! Consider the dichotomy, love one and hate the other, or devoted to one and despise the other... 

·       Matthew 7 - Ok, so this entire chapter is ultimately about the necessity of holiness. Judge not!!! This isn't a blanket command to stop rebuking, but rather a reminder to first examine yourself, then help others. Here's an example, if you are still struggling with anger issues, you probably should not be rebuking someone else over their own anger issues. But if you have been working on your anger, and by Gods grace you are getting better, then in love correct and share the wisdom that has brought you healing. Sinful actions always need rebuke and correction, just beware of your own sin too. Good fruit is obedience, bad fruit is disobedience, to what? Gods law! it's not to the voice in your head that told you to pray for someone, but to the law found in scripture. Obedience is good fruit! Are you still giving into temptations? that's bad fruit, and if you aren't dying to those temptations daily there is good cause to not believe you are a good tree. Read the words again of verses 21-23. It's the one who does the will of His Father. His revealed will found in scripture. "Everyone who hears these words of mine and does them" that's the person who's house is built on the rock. Holiness is the fruit of salvation, not the way of salvation. Are you growing in Holiness? Yes we are saved by grace, not by works, but Gods grace leads to good works. Hebrews 12:14 "Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord" We will never achieve perfection on this side of heaven. But we are seeking it! 

Some tough words for us today, but some encouraging ones also. Trusting in Jesus means we are surrendering to Him. So surrender... Live the way He tells us to, not the way we want to. God bless and have a wonderful day.


Week 4


Week 2