Week 14
The Lords Day, Week 14!
Thoughts on 1 Corinthians 11 & 12:
· 1 Corinthians 11 - Lets start where this starts, head coverings!!! I've wrestled with this passage and there's to much to go into detail here. All I'll say is this, if you say based on this passage that men can't cover their heads in doors today, then you also must believe that women must cover theirs and men can't have long hair. Or is the point something greater, and this merely a cultural example? I tend to lean on the latter... But the main point in the chapter isn't this, it's communion, and the importance of self examination prior to receiving the Lords Supper. We are in a crazy time where the unfortunately the body of Christ isn't able to proclaim the Lords death in this manner because most of us are not gathering. This is one of the parts of us not gathering I miss most, and whether you are part of a church that does this weekly, or monthly, or however often don't overlook the importance of this ordinance. Though we can't partake right now, notice it's only to be taken "when you come together", we should all be in a period of self examination. That when we finally do gather, we can proclaim the Lords Death till He comes!
· 1 Corinthians 12 - Another chapter that I think reminds us of the importance of gathering. Spiritual gifts are not given for the purpose of building up any individual, they are meant for building up the body. When any one person is not contributing to the body, the whole body suffers. Yes, some are still able to exercise their spiritual gifts in this time, but many are not, and all of us are suffering without being connected to each other. Perhaps you are a person that hasn't served before, and treated church as a spectator sport. Read these verses again, recognize that they apply as much today as they did then, and that the Lord led you to your church because they need you and you need them. Get plugged in, serve and figure out how God has made you to build up those brothers and sisters that all would be able to rejoice.
Another Lords day is on us that many of us won't be able to meet... Take time today to mourn this and to pray for the universal church. Take time to pray for all those who have loved ones and didn't get to say good bye before they lost them, this week I've received texts almost daily about horrible situations like this, my prayer list is longer than it's ever been. Continue to send those requests! Being the theme today, I am going to post a video here to a podcast I did on whether or not the church should gather, I hope it encourages you to listen to your pastors and trust them! God bless.