Week 30

The Lords Day, week 30!

Thoughts on 1 Thessalonians 1-3:

·       When the Gospel is rightly preached and received, change happens! These first 3 chapters point us to that change as Paul writes to this church in Thessalonica. But this change is not something brought about by man. First, we see that God is the one who has to empower the gospel and word preached, the "gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction". It is possible to preach a gospel void of power and every time a preacher steps up to preach, he is stepping up to do the impossible. There is nothing that man can do to bring about that which he is hoping to bring about. The goal is always to bring dead things back to life, whether that be through the act of bringing an unrepented person to repentance and faith in Christ for the first time. Or revealing to the Christian areas in his or her life that are still dead and in need of further surrender to the Lord Jesus Christ. This task cannot be done by man, we are not capable. Many preachers today have resorted to simply preaching morality because they rather get people to go out and just try harder at living a better life, than trusting in the Holy Spirit to bring the word in power and with full conviction! These sermons will speak a lot about why you need to do better when it comes to how you love your neighbor, or how you spend your money, but will speak very little of Christ who loved His neighbors perfectly, and modeled all the law that we would seek more of Him while resting completely in Him. But the second thing I want to show you is that not only does God have to empower the gospel preached, but it is God who must empower the word when it is received. God works both through the preacher, and in the recipient. The Thessalonians received the word not as a word from men, but for what it really is, the "word of God, which also performs its work in you who believe". God has to work on both sides of this equation, and when He does so the result is Holiness, this is the change that happens. People begin to "walk in a manner worth of the God who calls you into His own kingdom and glory." It's this combination that we must be praying for, looking for... Any church, big picture, or any Christians, small picture, that isn't growing in holiness, which is simply obedience to God... Submitting to Gods law, seeking to love the Lord our God with all heart, soul, mind and strength and our neighbors as ourselves according to the Word of God... Any church or Christian not doing this, is not a church, and the individual is not a Christian. This does not mean that you have to start looking at those around you and saying, you aren't a Christian, or looking at churches around you and saying you aren't a church. No, it means you should look at yourself and ask the question, "am I a Christian?" you should look at the church you attend and ask, "is this a true church?" Is the preaching empowered, and convicting, and visible through people growing in holiness? Specifically, is it visible through me growing in holiness? If you aren't growing, is it because of your church, or because of your heart? Paul looked at the Thessalonians and saw the fruit, they endured suffering, they were being conformed to the image of Christ which he and his disciples had modeled for them, and all of this was visible, it wasn't just an invisible inward change, no it changed everything about how they live... Let us examine ourselves brothers and sisters... Because when the Gospel is preached and received rightly, change does happen! I pray that wherever you worship today, you'd hear the word of God preached rightly, and that the Holy Spirit would work through that word, to bring about a life conformed to the image of the Son, who lived a holy life, died a sinners death, and rose to victory that we would put to death our sin, and live for Him. God bless. 

Monday, week 30!

Thoughts on Leviticus 19 - 21:

·       Don't you find it funny how people will ignore much of what's in Leviticus 18 and jump to some of what's in 19 to try to prove a point. They will say something like, the bible says you aren't supposed to shave the edge of your beard too, but you do that right! The point is supposed to be that we are using a double standard and picking and choosing which laws we obey and which we don't. But an honest reading of the text will show that's not the case. We have here in these chapters two different types of laws being discussed, those which are civil, and you can tell the difference because they have no punishment attached to them, and those which are moral, which have either death or a being cut off from the people as a punishment attached to them. Both of these serve the purpose of separating the people of Israel from the surrounding nations. But some of these set them apart culturally, and others set them apart morally. The categories should not get confused, this is why when Jesus breaks down the barriers between cultures, and there is no longer Jew nor Greek, we don't necessarily concern ourselves as much with the civil portions meant to convey a cultural distinction. Who cares if you look like the gentile neighbor, if you eat what he eats, or cut your hair the way he cuts his hair, the gospel sets us apart now, and that set apartness, holiness is shown through our adherence to Gods moral standards, that's where obedience comes in. There's a lot in the civil law we can learn from, and in some cases, not necessarily here but other chapters there are civil laws that if not obeyed result in injuring a person, then there are penalties attached, and there are lessons to learn from that too. But the point is this, not all of the law is the same. Gods purpose here was to make Israel completely Holy, set apart. Today there is no set apart nation, there are a people from all nations set apart by the Spirit of God revealed in obedience to God. So, the question is, how does your life reveal that you are or aren't set apart, Holy? Where do we need to repent, grow, and seek more of Gods grace to conform us further to the image of Christ? Because we all need more... God bless and have a wonderful day! 

Tuesday, week 30!

Thoughts on 2 Kings 16-20:

·       Israel is filled with strangers and they are taught the ways of the Lord in chapter 17 and they actually fear the Lord, but we are told they also served their idols... So there was this sense where they came to believe in the Lord, they recognized He was real, they recognized He had true power, and they came to know Him. They even followed some of what was required in the Law of Moses and learned His ways. But they refused to let go of their idols. How much of this speaks of us today? Specifically, when I say us, I mean the church today? What idols, how about that of race? that of abortion? the idol of politics? the idol of social justice? the idol of sex? all of these are lightning rods today, not just in the culture, but in the church! So many Christians say, we fear the Lord, but continue to worship at these idols by buying into the cultures views instead of what God says. Where are your idols? If you want to identify them just ask yourself, what issues am I not willing to hear people out on? You can be right on an issue, and it still be an idol! To make something an idol means to put it in the place of God. Would you rather win someone to your political affiliation, or to Christ? Would you rather win someone to march with you on social justice or to Christ? Would you rather convince someone that abortion is murder or win them to Christ? Now, I do believe abortion is murder, and I do believe that a consistent Christian will see this the same way, but I don't have fellowship with people because they see abortion as murder. We have fellowship because Christ has forgiven us our sins and adopted us as His children. I can't make any of these things the test of fellowship, I can ask brothers and sisters to debate these topics on the foundation of the scriptures. But the Gospel is that which unites us. People can be very wrong on these issues, but we need to distinguish between those who have made idols of these issues, and those who are mistaken on them. I think many are mistaken, and we need to be patient and loving towards them. But to those who have made them idols we must be willing to snatch out of the fire. Call them to repentance, call them to abandon their idols and trust in Christ alone. You can't serve two masters, and I fear there are many in the church either clinging to their idols or dangerously close to making some of these idols. It's easier to see with those who do not hold to biblical positions, but it's even possible I fear with those who do hold to them. We should speak prophetically against that which God is against, but the Gospel is that which brings peace, nothing else. Winning someone to our position on anything doesn't make them a Christian, it will not bring them forgiveness of sin. So let's be careful not to be making our own idols in the church, not to add anything else to the fear of the Lord, but let it be the Lord alone we fear! 

It's a beautiful day today, at least it looks like it! I hope you enjoy it and glorify God in all you do!

Wednesday, week 30!

Thoughts on Psalms 87-89:

·       Some seasons of life are dark, and full of us crying out to God for relief without any sense of relief coming. This is just as true for the Christian as it is for anyone else. How do we respond in these times? Psalm 88 gives us a great picture. First, remember that God is the God of our salvation. This is where our hope lies, our hope is not in God helping us escape our present circumstances, but that God has helped us escape His wrath and coming deserved condemnation. He has done all this by the blood of Jesus who gave Himself up for our sin.  All of life, for the Christian, has to start here. He is the God of our salvation, and those who have repented and believed have already been saved from the final judgement. In this world we are promised tribulation, but also that even the tribulation in this world is for our good in conforming us to the image of Jesus Christ. Secondly, we must remember that God is sovereign, as I read this Psalm this morning, I couldn't help but realize how the psalmist repeatedly puts God as the one responsible for His circumstances. "You have put me in the lowest pit.... Your wrath has rested upon me...You have afflicted me with all your waves... you have made me an object of loathing..." on and on it goes, and brothers and sisters may it be the same for us. Give no other creature power over your life, because they don't have it! Satan cannot touch you or hurt you without first going to God and if God gives the permission then it is still all for your good in conforming you to the image of His Son. God is sovereign even over our moments of suffering, and when we come to Him we don't need to come to Him seeking to put blame on anyone else. No, it is God, you did this, God you allowed this, God you are sovereign over all of this... But then lastly, we can also ask His deliverance from all of it. "Will You perform wonders... Will Your lovingkindness... Will Your wonders..." We don't know how long the psalmist was crying out in this way, but he does tell us he had been doing it for a while and had not yet received a response. So, do it until you get a response! Do it until you are at peace, whether in this life or the next, ask for deliverance, bring your pain, your hurt, your darkness all to His throne, trusting in His salvation and knowing that one day all of it will be clear, even if that day isn't today. 

Thursday, week 30!

Thoughts on Proverbs 13:

·       Verse 20: "Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm."  Within the church of the 21st century, many have come to believe that it is the Christians job to surround themselves with unbelievers. In an effort to not live in a Christian bubble, many Christians find themselves in secular ones. Some of the heart behind this might be noble, in effort to see many more people saved, we put ourselves in the midst of the lost. However noble, it is not biblical. Christians are encouraged throughout scripture to surround themselves with likeminded individuals, to seek counsel from the wise, to love their brothers and sisters, feast with them, worship with them, and share life with them. The facts are that our depravity is to great to play with temptation in a way that puts us directly into the fire thinking that we aren't going to get burned. Why is our church so impotent today? because many of our brothers and sisters have surrounded themselves with fools and have no longer heeded the instruction or counsel of the wise. Or to put it more plainly, we've become like that which we've surrounded ourselves with. The Lord can work through Christians in this way, I’ve seen it, but that God can work this way, doesn't mean it's wise for us to go out and force Him to. Our goal should be to seek to be more like Christ, who is wisdom incarnate, and if we love Him, we will obey Him. So the challenge here is this, look around, who are you surrounded by? Is it brothers and sisters in Christ, seeking Christ, being conformed to Christs image together, being salt and light to the world, instead of trying to just be like the world in order to try to win it. All this to say, I see nothing wrong with the Christian bubble, in fact I would argue the larger the bubble, the greater the light! It's that bubble that goes into the world, alone you and I are likely to be consumed. But when surrounded by the wise, we will become wise, like Christ, and that's what it's all about. 

Friday, week 30!

Thoughts on Ezekiel 37 - 42:

·       There have been so many great sermons on chapter 37, but let's take time anyway to recognize the miracle here. The text here has more than one application, it had specific application for the people in that day, it has a future application when it comes to the second coming and the resurrection, but it also has application for all believers. The dryness of the bones itself implies absolutely no life, these bones are not just lifeless, they have been in this state for some time, there is nothing left in them to think that life is at all possible. You and I come into the world, lifeless, completely separated from God, without the ability to produce life in and of ourselves, we are already dried up. In essence we come into this world, only to prepare for the grave and death completely surrounds us. All that we do is touched by death, because all that we do is touched by sin and so it is into a valley of dry bones that most of us are born. What hope is there for one born in such a state? NONE! These bones cannot do anything to help themselves, and in the same way, you and I can do nothing to save ourselves. Dead and dry things cannot produce life, we cannot cause ligaments, skin, blood, and so forth to begin to form, we cannot cause bones to come back together, we can do nothing in this state, and that is exactly what the rest of the bible teaches of lost sinners. This is total depravity or total inability, born dead and unable to do anything in and of ourselves but be dead. But then God does something, he causes bones to come together, He causes flesh to grow and skin to cover our bodies, He breathes life into us. God is the only one active in this, the bones are simply the recipients, the bones respond to the word of God, they respond to the Spirit of God, He gives us a new heart, a new Spirit, and we are completely reborn... This is what happens when the Gospel is preached, and it truly is an absolute miracle. Many of us Christians don't recognize the miracle that occurred in salvation, we take it for granted. This should not be the case, if we truly believe what the bible teaches about our condition before we repent and trust in Christ, then we should live in absolute awe of the power, love and grace of God every single day. That He would take a pile of dead dry bones like me, only capable of being dead, only capable of causing more death, only capable of cursing Him, of denying Him, of hating Him, and that He would take that pile of bones, piece them together, breathe life into them, grant a new heart and Spirit, and then adopt them as His own, is absolutely amazing, it is glorious, that in itself is cause to worship each and every single day, all day, nothing but... The question is, do we really believe?  Christian... you are a living miracle, you were dead, but now you are alive. Look at all those dry bones still out there, but yet God saved you, now go out and live for Him! 

Saturday, week 30!

Thoughts on Luke 23 & 24:

·       Pilate was the Roman Prefect of Judea, which is sort of the equivalent of a Governor, he was technically the one in charge, with Herod reporting to him as the Tetrarch over Galilee and Perea. What we see though in Pilate is a truth that bible speaks of throughout, if we do not fear God, we will fear man and be ruled by that fear. Pilate knew Jesus wasn't guilty, He knew that He should be let go and even saw what the religious leaders were up to. But in order to please the people, he had Jesus crucified. Even with all that power, he was still ultimately a coward. Most men are cowards, most men lack courage and when given an opportunity to cave to popular opinion, we will do so, especially if lacking a sufficient foundation. We see this in our political climate, and unfortunately it is even visible in our churches today. Many churches are caving to the whims of man and culture because they lack in their understanding of who God is and lack the courage to stand for who God is. Proverbs tells us, "the fear of man lays a snare, but whoever trusts the Lord is safe." Pilates fear of man led him to put to death the Son of God, the fear of man is that powerful so we must be careful. In this case, the death of the Son of God led to our salvation, but if we have repented and trusted in the Son of God, then we cannot allow a fear of man to live within us. We must seek to know God, to know His word, and to stand on His word over and above what any man, men, women, whoever, might say! He who trusts the Lord is safe, just look at the thief on the cross, who didn't say a prayer, didn't live a good life, but on that cross repented and believed in the Son, and went to be with Him in paradise. May that be our end, with Him in paradise, but may we get there having no fear of man, only fear of God and trust in the Son who gave His life for us, rose on the third day, and is now seated at the right hand of the Father making all of His enemies a footstool! He is our Lord and Savior, and there is no one person, or no crowd of people that we should fear over Him. If we trust Him, we are safe and can afford to go against the crowd. 


Week 31


Week 29